Linking bank accounts

Linking bank account


A linked bank account in Roqqett refers to an account that a merchant has given Roqqett permission to connect to through open banking that, as a result, grants Roqqett 90 days of access to stay synchronised with the activity on the account.

Linking an account enables Roqqett to provide additional value-add services to your business such as:

Linking an account is extremely secure given that Roqqett is financially licensed and the connection methods have bank-grade security that is governed by the UK regulator.

Linking an account

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have the authorisation to log into the bank account you want to link - if not, the person who does have authorisation should complete these steps.
  • Ensure that the account you want to connect has been approved for use by Roqqett, i.e., it has passed KYB checks.

Authorise account linking

  1. In the Roqqett portal , go to the Bank accounts tab in the Settings area.
  2. Find the bank account you want to link, then click the Sync button.
  3. Select the bank. You should choose the bank which the account is held with.
  4. Accept the consent terms. You will then be transferred to your bank's login page in a separate tab.
  5. Log into your bank's portal and select the bank account that you want to link.
  6. Confirm the account linking – typically by clicking a Confirm button.

After authorising the linkage, you will be returned to the Roqqett portal and the account linking will be complete.

90 day authorisation expiry changing

Currently the access authorisation you grant to Roqqett is only valid for 90 days, after which you will need to re-authenticate the authorisation (see below). However, recently the UK regulator (FCA) has mandated that this time bound expiry be scrapped and replaced with a longer living consents. This means you will only have to re-authenticate in special circumstances.

Re-authorising account access

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have the authorisation to log into the bank account you want to link - if not, the person who does have authorisation should complete these steps.
  • Ensure that the account you want to re-authorise is still approved for use by Roqqett.

Re-authorise account linking

  1. In the Roqqett portal , go to the Bank accounts tab in the Settings area.
  2. Find the bank account you want to re-autorise linking for, then click the Re-authorise button.
  3. Select the bank. You should choose the bank which the account is held with.
  4. Accept the consent terms. You will then be transferred to your bank's login page in a separate tab.
  5. Log into your bank's portal and select the bank account that you want to link.
  6. Confirm the account linking - typically by pressing a Confirm button.

After authorising the linkage, you will be returned to the Roqqett portal and the authorisation will be renewed.