
User and permissions


Your team is crucial to your organisation and we understand that some team members may need access to help manage your organisation's operations with Roqqett.

Adding team members

Adding your team members is simple.

  1. In the portal , go to the Users area.
  2. Click the Create user button.
  3. Enter their details and choose their role.
  4. Click Save to confirm. Once their account is created, they will receive an email with a link to create a password and log in.
Double-check email addresses

It's important to ensure your team member's email address is correct, as this will be their username. If incorrect, they will not get the email they need to finish setting up their account.

User types

There are two user types (roles) that you can choose from: Manager or Basic. The manager role has more permissions and should be given to only senior members in your business that would be responsible for administering Roqqett. The basic role only allows users to see a select subset of non-critical pages and have read-only access to the pages they can access.

Updating a user type

If you're a Manager user type, you can update someone's user type by following the steps below.

  1. In the portal , go to the Users area.
  2. Click ... at the end of the user's row.
  3. Select Change role then choose a role from the dropdown.
  4. Click Save to confirm.