Get set up

Getting set up

Step 1: sign up

Complete the steps in the next section titled Register with Roqqett to register for a business account and get access to the Roqqett portal. As part of your sign-up, the Roqqett crew will set up your business so it's practically ready to go. However, you may want to add additional users.

Step 2: get API keys

Next, create your set of API keys to get access to Roqqett's API. In the portal, go to the API keys area, and click the Create API Key button. Learn more about API keys and authentication.

Step 3: add your bank account(s)

To receive Roqqett payments, you must register and configure at least one of your business' bank accounts as the place where payments will instantly settle.

Ensure you have the details of the bank account you want to add. In the portal, go to the Settings area and click the Bank accounts tab. Click the Add bank account button, provide the required information and click Save. Learn more about adding bank accounts.

Step 4: manage your business setup

Ensure that the information in the Organisation details tab in the Settings area is completed and up to date.

  • The logo is crucial and should be set up correctly so that your customers recognise and trust your business. It will be visible on both web and app payments.
  • Billing information should be correct to ensure financial notifications and invoices reach the right place in your business.
  • Profile and Companies house information will partially be pre-configured during the onboarding of your account, however, you should provide any missing information.

Step 5: create a checkout

Next, create and configure the products you want to use. In the portal, go to the Checkouts area, and click the Create checkout button. Follow our Roqqett Pay and/or Roqqett Checkout guides for details on how to configure your checkout.

Step 6: add Roqqett to your site

Now you're all ready to integrate Roqqett with your website. Depending on your technology and business, you can either choose to integrate using a plugin or natively using our Javascript library and API. Either way, the Roqqett crew is here to help at every stage.