Arbitrary accounts

Arbitrary account


Some payment flows need to go to different accounts, so that the system doesn't have to create a number of recipient accounts and checkouts for each transaction. To avoid always having to specify which account a payment is going to, we've developed the arbitrary account option.

How it works


This feature isn't enabled by default. To request it, please get in touch with us.

When setting up your checkout, you'll need to select the Arbitrary account top-up option from the Bank Account dropdown. Then, when creating a cart, you'll need to supply a new parameter called accountId.

To obtain an account ID, you send a request to the account endpoint with the checkout ID it will be used on, as well as the account details (account name, bank account number, and sort code), and use the response as the accountId when creating the cart. For more information, see Create account and Create cart in the API reference.