Payment reference

Payment reference


Roqqett allows you to add a reference of up to 18 characters, which will appear in both your bank and your customer's records. This reference can make it easy to find the transaction, which can help when you're trying to match up your bank statements. It's important to make sure that the reference you give for each transaction is unique.

When you create the cart in your backend-to-backend call, you can choose to include the reference field in the POST data for each payment. Once the payment is completed, the reference you provided will appear in your bank statement and in your receiving bank's app.

You may wish to customise your reference to allow for certain types of wallet top-up flows to be directed properly. You may also wish to reflect your order ID, but this use case is usually better suited to the merchantCartId field, which will also allow you to search and filter by this value in the Payments area of the Roqqett portal.

If you don't wish to customise this field yourself, then an appropriately random value will be used (prefixed with “RQ”).